
Euchre 3d add picture
Euchre 3d add picture


With the trump cards we both had in our hands, we could have easily won the 3 tricks if he would have thrown a trump card. In the third trick my partner cannot follow suit, but instead of throwing a trump card, he throws off and we lose the third trick (because I then had to follow suit) and we get euchred. Here are 2 actual examples of the AI in the game: 1) my AI partner orders up trump to the other team. Related, it would be nice to be able to see a recap of the 5 tricks to verify if the other players are playing of the points properly. ‘ace no face’ re-deals - the quality of plays for the AI players. There are also long runs of hands favoring one team or another that you just don’t get in real life. The randomness of the shuffles is highly questionable. You will see the slight variations on the same hand for 4 hands in a row quite frequently. The format of the gameplay is good and pace (ads not withstanding) good too, but there are several things that are extremely annoying, namely: - the lack of randomness in hands dealt.


The adds are frequent and annoying, but other free euchre games are worse. I would like to see some additional switches like STD or partners best but compared to other euchre games I have downloaded this one is solid and worth your time, either the free version or the paid version. Yes, the AI does make some interesting moves like going alone with hardly anything, but it's not like it happens all the time. This game is an excellent basic version of euchre.

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You get more done by contacting support than just writing a bad review.


When the full screen popups started I contacted the authors support site and within 2 hours they had contacted me back advising that they had blocked the advertising network that was shoving out the full size screen ads and that they are in the process of changing their ad provider to eliminate that kind of stuff from happening again. Old review: I have been playing this game for a long time. Greed appears to have taken over for the developer. It went from a game I enjoyed to kill some time with to a game I don’t want to play because of the ads. Unfortunately now they force a 35 second ad halfway through the game that you have to stop the game and twiddle your thumbs while it plays out.

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Edited: I defended this program a few years ago.

Euchre 3d add picture